

Summary of Series of Events on "Jewish Refugees & Shanghai"

Time:2010/10/15 09:54:43        

  The Series of Events on "Jewish Refugees and Shanghai" have been a great success by the unremitting efforts from German Consulate General in Shanghai and the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum. The 11 following events range from lectures, panel discussions, book readings, documentary viewing, etc. The museum also has the privilege of having some renowned experts and scholars in the field of Jewish history and culture to join all the participants during this period.

  Among all these events, the most special one was the Jewish wedding held in the Ohel Moshe Synagogue. It was the first time after 60 years since the end of the World War II that a Jewish wedding was organized inside the synagogue. 150 guests from Israel, the United States, Russia, China and some other countries all joined the couple in celebrating the most memorable time of their life. The whole exhibition is thus brought to life again in front of all the audience on this special and sweet occasion. Several former Jewish refugees, including Jerry Moses, Jerry Lindenstraus and Sonja Mühlberger, travelling all across the globe, have engaged in heated discussions and communication with the audience and visitors to the new exhibition at the invitation of the museum. The thought of being born, raised or saved in here brought them to tears immediately when talking about their past experience.

  The guest list to all the series of events includes journalists from national and city’s major media, for example, Xinhua, China News, Xinmin Evening News, Shanghai Daily and Global Times, and also tourist guides, residents in the neighborhood, teachers and students from Germany Foreign Language School in Shanghai, volunteer guides from our own museum as well as some local members from the Jewish community in Shanghai. The whole activity attracts a total number of participants reaching more than 800.
